Camunda is a BPM solution for business software development. It offers flexible adaptation to business requirements and IT standards in projects requiring organized, multi-stage workflows or tasks, integration of multiple systems, application of dynamic business rules or data processing automation.

See the Flowly BPM website
Complex processes flow through people, systems and devices
Any process anywhere
Your organization towards digital transformation

Exactly what you need to effectively control your processes

Orchestration at any time

Connect Camunda to any point in the process that your organization needs to automate

Connect IT and business

BPMN and DMN standards bring teams together to speak the same language and collaborate effectively

Unmatched capacity

Scale performance to process unlimited transactions with consistent, low latency

Open architecture

Easy integration with the most popular technical architectures and frameworks

API access

Open APIs for integration with almost all systems and technologies
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Ready-made solutions

Flowly BPM is a ready-made web application already integrated with many systems